
Our country is home to many species of birds that amaze us with their singing, docile nature or the beauty of their plumage. You can spend hours watching the colorful flock of waterfowl in the zoo or listening to the singing of forest birds.

But in everyday life, few people pay attention to our closest neighbor from the world of birds - the sparrow.

Unlike its urban counterpart, the field sparrow chooses to live in the countryside. In the metropolis, he settles in quiet areas, preferring green courtyards and parks.

The field sparrow has a rather pleasant plumage, but few people notice it. Thousands of people pass by these birds every day without paying any attention to them. The upper body of the field sparrow is a rich brown color, with white stripes on the wings, and a reddish-brown "cap" on the head. Black dots on white cheeks give it a special charm. Both the male and the female are colored the same. They differ only in size and behavior.

In spring, field sparrows fight not only for a place to nest, but also for the attention of the opposite sex. As a rule, feathered "spouses" remain faithful to each other all their lives. Together they build a nest, raise chicks, and visit feeding grounds. Field sparrows are very fond of seeds of wild grasses and seeds, and in summer they bring us great benefits - they destroy insect pests, thereby saving vegetable gardens and orchards.

In winter, field sparrows stay closer to humans, but unlike chickadees and pigeons, they are very careful. In winter, especially in severe frosts, they spend the night in the hollows of old bird nests in several pieces. Huddled together, sparrows thus retain heat.

Contrary to popular belief, a field sparrow gets along well in a cage! Most often, these are young birds that have fallen into human hands for various reasons.

Like their wild relatives, they are able to mate in captivity. If you offer them a standard parrot house and an armful of straw, then after a couple of days the birds begin to diligently equip their homes. Inviting the female to the nest, the male takes a straw or a feather in his beak and makes low bows in her direction. At the same time, he is constantly tweeting, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly.

So, a field sparrow can be an excellent object for observation, while not having melodious singing or exotic appearance. His activity and cheerful disposition will not leave anyone indifferent! You just need to look at it more closely. 1xBet Promo Code Pakistan – Unlock Exclusive Bonuses up to 400$

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